To the heart of light
To the heart of light, to Humanity´s core. Next Thursday 16th I am leaving for Africa, first to Algiers, until the 22nd , then to Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, and finally on the 27th to Goma, at the Great Lakes in RD Congo. If any of you know people who...
BECOME HUMANE Why is there war? Or, worse, why is that currently all us are necessarily supporters of war? It is for no benefiting the enemy, which being so is logically because it is an arm, as so are all the states, which if without resistance would subject all to...
Dear reader and friend, please support me as Humanity´s representative so that I can address to the presidents of Ukraine and Russia and that they pay attention to this Peace Agreement. You must understand that they are not the most important in this deal, since their...
О ПРЕКРАЩЕНИИ ОГНЯ Уважаемые Президенты Владимир Путин и Владимир Зеленский! Меня зовут Мануэль Эрранц Мартин, я из Движения за человеческое единство, HUM,, и от имени человечества я прошу о прекращении огня, и для этого я предлагаю вам свое...
DÉCLARATION COMMUNE HUMAINE Nous, les habitants de la Terre sans distinction ni discrimination, exprimons par la présente notre volonté de nous unir, de vivre ensemble, c'est-à-dire : prendre des décisions conjointement et inclusivement, en tenant toujours compte des...
Philosophy and Reality
(This text goes only in Spanish, but you can translate it using google translate or with your google browser translation tool) Artículo recien publicado en el número 117 (2022) de la Revista de Filosofía Paideia, que creo de gran interés, donde se muestra la...
International Day of Peace
On September 21, the UN celebrates the International Day of Peace, that is, human unity. Let's do it now. (The text is also in Chinese, Russian and Spanish below) First, we must achieve ceasefire by raising the white flag and inviting all the people in the two sides...
The Greeks attributed to the Gods the warring relation between human beings, and logically, no to their stupid or absurd will to harm themselves, but they also put in Prometheus’ words that one day we would overthrow our cruel masters. This prophecy is human unity,...
How to stop the war
Nowadays we have an alternative to war. Peace, cooperation, and concord are possible by stablishing human unity. War is the result of exclusive decision-making, something unavoidable in our past of mutual ignorance which has brought about our current division in...
Dear Mr. Biden, Mr. Putin, and you all: Human unity is the way to eliminate war, because inclusive decision-making excludes (mutually) harmful purposes and promotes and seeks common good only. While partial or unilateral decision-making necessarily leads to conflict,...