The Human Condition
Dear friends of humanity, supporters of HUM – Human Unity Movement, The current situation of our activities and projects is pending on the response of the Madrid City Council to set a date and venue where to hold the Universal Congress we are proposing for autumn next...
Genocide is now an option
The war is a genocide. In war people are killed according to an appellative or adjective, usually their nationality; like Russians, Chinese, Germans, etc., Although it can also be another qualifier, usually religious, also political, as, for example, Protestants, Jews...
Universal Congress Invitation (draft)
Dear Mrs. General Director, We address your esteemed company proposing you to join the human unity movement. We want all humans living together, where decisions are taking jointly and inclusively, considering the needs, interests, desires and concerns of all human...
The Corporate Human Responsibility, CHR, concept
From HUM to the Companies Admired and respected firms, Hereby we would like to introduce you the Corporate Human Responsibility, CHR, concept we are promoting all over the World. - Up to know, the Corporate Social Responsibility, RSC, is based on companies good (or...
US, China trade war and companies support for Human Unity Movement
As Mozi said, human miseries an calamities are originated by partiality or, what is the same, by non-inclusive or non-joint decision-taking because partial decision-taking results in that a development of a party is a threat to the others since partial development...