• 29, August, 2021
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  • 9:47 am read

Dear friend,

My name is Manuel Herranz, PhD. For a great part of my life, I have been working as an international and executive consultant and only since 2017 as a professor of Humanities and Philosophy.

Very impressed by the possible annihilation of Humanity during the Cold War when I was a philosophy student in the eighties, I have been researching as an autodidact the possibility of human peace and concord and even then I tried to organize a world peace and disarmament festival with all world universities.

I moved to Berlin in 1986 where I continued my research and activities for peace and also my philosophy studies and started international relations, and also Russian, Chinese, and Arabic languages. Three years later I left Berlin and started to move towards the East to study the world´s main cultures.

I know that if we humans make decisions inclusively we will not thread and harm each other and we will only look for human benefit according to common sense, which is to treat others as you would like to be treated.

This is a recurrent thought from antiquity, as much in China as in the West (without any communication between them), but to act with humanity was inviable in an unknown world and, furthermore, it weakens the state which allows its publicity (limited to its territory), therefore it is disregarded, misled and hidden proposal up to the present –and this is the main difficulty I have faced; civil and academic institutions, media…not accepting and no publishing science, relevant discoveries in order to safeguard their ideologies.

However, the current world interconnection makes it possible to use common sense because we can satisfy now the condition which habilitates it: universal publicity.


Aiming at promoting human unity I registered in 1999 the domains and and founded the Association Bandera Blanca, though I could only register it in 2009 with the EU´s help. In 2016 Bandera Blanca changed its name to HUM ( Human Unity Movement.

And HUM first initiative was the calling of an open and transparent world Congress of expertise for the establishment of an inclusive decision-making system. We presented our project to the Madrid City Council in 2018 and obtained a very positive response, but the city government changed in 2019 and the pandemic has made us cancel it because it is indispensable to face reality directly and accurately as follows:


The cause of humans´ discord is the intention, the object to kill, which is the weapon -human top undertaking anytime and anywhere- necessarily organized as an armed unit or command chain, so that every individual´s action is forced at its service; and any arm not incorporated must be destroyed; if internal it is illegitimate, and if external it is an enemy, however, the primacy is to ally against a third party since war is universal (“it is the same to say arms or war” says Cervantes).

The army is the necessary cause of private property since it cannot exist without its violence. But, above all, the army is the sufficient cause of private property because it is meant to kill and harm, and, therefore, it cannot be shared, and all the things are necessarily private as this is the way they serve a particular army or state only.

In contrast to the rest of the objects, all meant to serve us, armies’ aim is to destroy, so that they cannot be a product of our will; they only can be a waste or, worse, they ruin. However, armies are needed against other armies we try to annulated and destroy with ours; the arm is by itself, and an arm is all possible arms.


While, on the opposite side, the necessary and sufficient cause of human concord and cooperation is disarmament, whose condition is universality and simultaneity only fulfilled in our time of global interconnection. Therefore, we can finally use common sense to reveal the absolute evil of the arm instead of veiling it with figurations that cause the current confusion and chaos.

And, for disarming we need first to unite all armies under a single command so that they become redundant. Therefore, I am assuming and proposing my command on all armies and requiring acknowledgment of it from each one, under the condition of the acknowledgment of all.

A single command ends all harms and threats as it would be harming itself, and the consequence of freedom will be the use of all resources according to their own aim because every object explicitly tells us also by whom, how, when….it shall be used.

Freedom, or the use of common sense based on understanding and mutual empathy, is the aim and the way; the way as a first independent from the state’s enforcement, human, personal, volunteer, and free act of putting aside figurations and using common sense revealing the arm´s while inviting all people to disarm in order to enjoy full freedom in the community.


I plan to present this initiative to associations, universities, and institutions all over the world hoping that they will not prefer or be able to stick their head under the sand like an ostrich

I hope my offer is of your interest and you contribute to promote and donate resources to this initiative, while I am at your disposal for further inquiry, objection, and detail you might need.

Thank you

Always happy to get your feedback.

Manuel Herranz

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