The European Union (EU), with its experience in the peaceful integration of diverse nations, is uniquely positioned to lead a reform of the international order. Rather than merely competing in global rearmament, the EU can draw inspiration from its own model of overcoming historical divisions—such as the world wars—to promote a reform of the UN that prioritizes cooperation over confrontation.

Humanity stands at a critical crossroads. War, competition between states, and the logic of force have not only proven insufficient to guarantee peace but now threaten the very survival of humanity. The UN, in its current form, reflects a system based on state sovereignty and the primacy of national interests, perpetuating divisions and conflicts. However, global interconnectedness and the growing awareness of our interdependence make it both possible and necessary to transform the UN into a platform for human cooperation, where disarmament, transparency, and the common good are fundamental pillars.

Foundations of the Proposal in the EU’s Statutes and Values

The EU is founded on principles such as peace, solidarity, the rule of law, and international cooperation, enshrined in:

  • The Treaty on European Union (TEU): Article 3, which promotes peace and the well-being of peoples.
  • The Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU): Article 21, which emphasizes multilateral cooperation and respect for international law.
  • The EU Global Strategy (2016): Which advocates for an integrated approach to addressing conflicts and promoting global governance.

The Need for an Alternative to the War in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has demonstrated the limits of a military approach. The EU could lead a global effort to:

  • Promote an immediate ceasefire and inclusive negotiations.
  • Demilitarize the conflict, replacing weapons with cooperative security mechanisms.
  • Foster reconstruction and reconciliation through economic, cultural, and social development programs involving Ukraine, Russia, and other actors, based on agreements of human cooperation rather than negotiations between powers that ultimately maintain an order based on military threats.

Proposal for UN Reform: Towards Global Cooperation for the Common Good

UN reform must prioritize cooperation over cultural or ideological differences, recognizing that peace cannot be imposed—not even through democratic or other types of majorities—but arises from individual freedom and voluntary collaboration for the common good. In an interconnected world, words and reason must prevail over weapons, guiding us toward a future of mutual understanding and progressive disarmament.

Key Points for UN Reform

  1. End of Armed Sovereignty
    Redefine sovereignty, eliminating its association with military control. States must renounce the development of weaponry, whose purpose is mutual harm, and transform into cooperative units that manage resources under common global objectives.
  2. Progressive Disarmament and Resource Reallocation
    Implement a global plan for total disarmament, starting with nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, and reorient resources toward sustainable infrastructure, public health, and education.
  3. Transparency and Citizen Participation
    Create a globally accessible digital platform to publish and debate proposals, decisions, and progress, ensuring active citizen participation in decision-making.
  4. Mechanisms for Voluntary Cooperation
    Replace imposition by force with systems based on consensus, voluntary cooperation, and shared responsibility.
  5. Education for Global Cooperation
    Design educational programs that foster human interdependence and values such as solidarity, empathy, and critical thinking.
  6. Indicators of Human Progress
    Develop alternative indicators to GDP that measure well-being, equity, and sustainability, with citizen oversight committees to evaluate progress.
  7. Strengthening a Shared Human Identity
    Promote a planetary identity based on universal values such as solidarity and mutual respect, suspending narratives that foster divisions.
  8. Transformation of UN Structures
    Eliminate hierarchical structures like the Security Council and create inclusive forums where all voices carry equal weight. Establish global thematic agencies (food, health, education, environment) supervised by experts and citizens.

The EU’s Leadership in This Initiative

The EU, with its experience in integration and its commitment to multilateralism, is called to lead this reform. It could:

  • Organize an International Summit for Peace to discuss UN reform and a new global cooperation agenda.
  • Present a resolution at the UN General Assembly to create a working group to design and implement the reforms.
  • Reallocate part of its defense budget toward development and peacebuilding programs.

Benefits for the EU and the World

  • Strengthening the EU’s Role as a Global Leader: By proposing an alternative vision to militarism, the EU would consolidate its position in global governance.
  • Promoting Stability and Security: A less militarized world would reduce the risks of conflicts and humanitarian crises.
  • Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Reallocating resources would accelerate progress in critical areas such as food, health, education, and the environment, laying the groundwork for future joint achievements, such as space exploration.

These aspects pale in comparison to the ultimate goal of peace and human harmony forever, which is now a realistic and attainable objective.
