À l’attention de: Son Excellence M. António Guterres, Secrétaire général de l’ONU Son Excellence M. Dennis Francis, Président de l’AGNU Son Excellence M. Thomas Bach, président du CIO Objet : Lettre de soutien et de demande de la Trêve...
To the attention of: His Excellency Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN His Excellency Mr. Dennis Francis, President of the UNGA His Excellency Mr. Thomas Bach, IOC President Subject: Letter in Support and Demand of the Olympic Truce Dear Sirs, We humbly...
It is crucial to use our intelligence to understand and recognize what our humanity means, which does not allow for a ‘partial or limited peace,’ and that is why war is said to be ‘absolute.’ In the past, human groups were isolated and...
WHAT HAS CHANGED SINCE IN BERLIN SINCE THE COLD WAR? I am in Berlin now after 35 years since I studied at the Freie Universität Berlin, FUB. I had been working for peace at the UAM in Madrid at the peak of the Cold War in the early eighties and when I came here for a...
Nous nous rapprochons de l’extinction ou, du moins, nous flirtons avec elle, alors que nous savons ce qu’est la paix depuis des millénaires et la preuve en est qu’elle a été également comprise et vue à l’Est comme à l’Ouest sans aucun...