Human unity is the means of peace, and no particular policy, nor politicians are able to make peace, because their task is the management of war or human division in arms or states, but the only cause of the arm is just the arm (another one), and the only cause of (constant) violence is also violence and no other reason, since, without any doubt, mutual destruction is the worst for everyone, and, therefore, it is not the state, but we, the people without distinction of nationality or social position, who must make peace by manifesting our unity´s will, because unity is peace, as united we make the arm useless, redundant. Therefore


– An open and transparent Congress to be held in 2025 in a concrete city and with participants chosen by their disposal and merits, but it will be live-broadcasted to the whole world, and it will be a human activity and stay as a human government.

– The Congress takes control over all arms and assumes responsibility for human security, whereby any security problem for a person or a group of people is a security problem for all.

– The Congress uses an inclusive decision-making system, that is; it takes into consideration the interests and desires of each one so that it avoids and prevents harming purposes (arms) and mutual harm (war) and only seeks and promotes common good, and for this purpose creates a world currency and gives credit for development and goods’ exchange.

– The guarantee of inclusivity is the publicity of the entire decision-making process, which compresses transparency, openness and recording of it, along with the condition of a unanimous approval by all regarding unity, disarmament. Further than this, decision-making is subsidiary, each decision is made by those concerned by it, but it is always also published, which makes it equally inclusive, available to the scrutiny and judgment of all.

– Disarmament can only be universal, this is why it was impossible in the past in an unknown and incommunicado world, because unilateral or partial disarmament is surrender; that is, equal service to the arm, just to another arm. While, on the other side, the necessary universality of disarmament guarantees that it cannot be detrimental to anyone, because if someone is damaged by it, he or she would not (voluntarily) disarm, and nobody will.

– Only the arms are there to harm us, the rest of the things, objects and activities are there at our service and empowerment and if we put the arm under control and eliminate it, there is no difficulty for our understanding and cooperation for common good.


– The calling of the Congress or its celebration might not be enough for bringing about peace, since, while the arms remain divided, they will keep working in opposite directions and the insecurity and the conflicting interests of each one remain in place in such a way that everyone, including the participants of the Congress, would continue to seek their security at the expense of others as they do now.


To ensure that the World Congress on Unity is known by all well before its celebration date and in order to have a publicity tool for this unity proposal, we are calling for a Reconciliation Day on January 30th, in 2025 where the exact date of the Congress in 2025 and its participants’ names or their profiles will be announced.

For this purpose, we plan to send a letter to all municipalities, universities, and other education centers for them to promote and permit the organization in their indoor and outdoor facilities of all related activities such as music, sports, theater, and other ludic activities according to the customs and idiosyncrasy of each place, but always appealing to moderation, always fomenting the humanity´s feelings and human justice.


Here we start with its organization by openly deciding how it should look like, therefore we would like you to consider and let us know your view on the following questions:

A. Topics and Aims of the Congress. We propose the following topics or areas of discussion to be addressed there: 1. Communication 2. Education and Humanities 3. Development 4. Security 5.Technologies. The aim of this area is to propose a world common and shared technologies development. We propose the following areas 5.1. Food 5.2. Health 5.3. Environment 5.4. Energy 5.5. Manufacturing 5.6. Mobility and Infrastructures

B. Who shall participate in the Congress?

We think of about 50 participants by area, but the Congress is to be broadcasted live all over the world and all specialists in the world are welcome to be connected to their respective areas of work.

C. What city can be trusted to organize the Congress? Why?

You, and anyone can participate in this discussion.

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