- 26, June, 2020
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- 11:26 am read
Motivation is all about increasing possession -private property. So, world peace, human community -which prevents harming purposes- can never be achieved because it cannot be motivated.
Indeed, human resources are moved to work by increasing or decreasing individual property handover, and it can even be confiscated by bailiffs and forfeiture.
Now, motivation does not distinguish benefit or harm.
For instance, when I was in Berlin, the more wall meters I accomplished at work, the better payment.
Fines might be rewarded by a percentage
Qin regime would pay its soldiers according to the handover of enemies’ heads number and such relation between harm and rewards are usual in wartime.
After the war, with the distribution of land among generals and officials according to their contribution to expanding the state.
But a community does not only prevents harming purposes -to motivate them would be like harming herself- it must have good purposes. And beneficial purposes obtain acknowledgment -which is motivation.
Harming purposes, arms availability, were in nature before humankind´s appearance. And humans, like any other animal, reacted to arms danger generated by the virtual feeling of their injuring and killing effects. (Real experience would be too late 🙂
In fact, arms only eventually destroy, injure, and kill, but they constantly deprive, limit, prevent…And the arm is the motivation key point.
Arms become incorporated as an army (armed unit) or state, and it rewards according to distributive justice; more to those who contribute more to its power -destruction capabilities.
Unlike all other objects meant to serve, only arms are essentially private, because they can only deprive the freedom of others, but they cannot be meant to deprive the freedom of the weapon holder. And all other things are deprived to be at service of a single army only.
The case of the possible moon privatization/deprivation might be a good illustration of the case. Private property is not the result of an individual producing some goods and claiming for ownership on them but as the result of an army positioning there (maybe Trump´s Space Force). Maybe to adapt to this euphemism, hypocrisy, or convention of the world, private space flights are promoted with this view or, perhaps many Chinese companies became ‘privatized’ aiming at foreign markets.
Any entrepreneurship is subordinate to the state the venture is depending on because only the army deprives or prevents other armies from occupying or using anything available. It is not even possible something available not being private -deprived of availability to most of the world- because to stay available means to facilitate or allow a position and resources to other armies whose sense is to harm so that letting something available is like harming oneself –how could we?.
Indeed, the private property is not meant for benefiting but for harming. Resources exploitation is secondary to the attainment of a strategic point. It is that army positioning that organizes human resources, ranks, and it undermines and worries the opponents. Also, a territory´s control means transit and other similar taxes.
- Evil
But, as people say; “we all need to eat”, so pointing out that not everything can be meant for benefiting or even worse, nothing can actually be meant for the benefit. And so it is the fact that nobody has time or resources available for the common good, since each one is working for her or his own.
No. We see from unity´s perspective that to eat is benefiting because eating keeps and fortifies life.
But by using “we all need to eat” we mean we are lacking something, we are in need and we need to satisfy it and this is what matters to us so we are busy with it and have not freedom or time for anything else but to accept state conditions and motivation in order to be supplied in exchange from being used, renounce to freedom. We say, we need to eat, but we not only mean food but many other things we need to live and to live better. Supplies covering for a brief time and under great uncertainty even for rich people.
When Rousseau analyzed an all state´s Confederation as a Permanent Peace proposal by the abbey of Saint Pierre and considered why nobody paid him any attention, he concluded that states can only have an exclusive motivation, it is impossible for them to consider the common good, it does not make sense for them. Indeed, if the army has harming purposes, how can you expect any good from it?
Kant also sees it. In his Zum Ewigen Frieden (Towards Perpetual Peace), in the Annex “With respect to the disagreement between moral and politics”, in the paragraph “Divide and impera” concludes that state aim is “to get more power by any means” and adds a note: “We can doubt about the possibility of evil in human nature…..but this fundamental evil is clear and incontestable in the extreme relations between states.”
The first line in Sunzi´s Art of War states that war is state life, but people life is something else, therefore I insist that it is the first scientific book.
The state regulates monopolies in its territory and also participates in the agreements on international norms needed for trade and international cooperation.
Those regulations do not aim at the human benefit as they should, but only about overtaking and conditioning others -it might be an alliance against a third party.
Those agreements expose the alignment of each country regarding an international order relative to information and technologies transfer, international technological standards, international loans, etc.
Current globalization seems to face the possibility of a Cold War`s phenomena which means stopping the flow of international trade between corporations of two trading blocks. We see technological and information exchanges among the corporations stopped. Corporations’ cooperation means to benefit and stopping of exchange of information means harm sustained on another possible MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) system or even hot war.
Corporations are transnational companies and have some communication means, so that they are in the position to point out the useless harm states are causing to humanity since those corporations’ products and services have to transform into security investments -destruction means or weapons.
In the past century, there was no alternative to states´rule, but now we can propose human unity.
We, people, are not determined to do evil as armies are, we just adapt.
And the motivation for setting up human cooperation can only come from our freedom – not from enforcement, state motivation.
And we find a small space for our own election or freedom in the products and services offered by competing companies.
Consumption assumes we, people, are able to be responsible and, therefore, companies marketing is like a human; friendly to the people and to nature, according to human wishes and what we need and require.
We know about those products or services via commercials, since companies want and need to inform about their innovations.
However, what we actually choose is their exclusivity, their monopoly, and for it we pay –cooperate with the companies- and we participate in their monopoly since in this way we express our status or social value according to distributive justice.
The state honors and shows in this way those who serve its purposes. Confucius and Mozi understood clearly the meaning of luxuries, decorative and useless things and the first one fomented it, while the second one, whose teachings were universal love, opposed it.
The fact is that those human promises –adds- are not accomplished and we do not obtain a real benefit, because ads only produce emotions or experiences similar to reveries (behind it addictions), while reality keeps the same inequality and discrimination (discrimination is war).
(And, what are those reveries? Those Socrates died against, those Kant wrote so much to put their limits and Cervantes cleared it all by making Don Quixote fight against windmills).
Reality is only within space and time, so we are proposing and calling for a meeting on human unity (common security) in Madrid in Fall 2021. Informing about it, it is enough to succeed and then eliminate the motivation secret (harming purposes)
Kant´s Zum Ewigen Frieden ends with Appendix II titled “How the transcendental concept of public law harmonizes morality with politics”
“Having set aside everything empirical in the concept of civil or international law (such as the wickedness in human nature which necessitates coercion), we can call the following proposition the transcendental formula of public law: “All actions relating to the right of other men are unjust if their maxim is not consistent with publicity.”…..
“Now we need to know the condition under which these maxims, agree with the law of nations, for we cannot infer conversely that the maxims which bear publicity are therefore just, since no one who has decidedly superior power needs to conceal his plans.”
“In this regard, I propose another affirmative and transcendental principle of public law, the formula of which is: All maxims which stand in need of publicity in order not to fail their end, agree with politics and right combined. For if they can attain their end only through publicity, they must accord with the public’s universal end, happiness;”
The motivation for pursuing human benefit is only universal acknowledgment, appreciation.
Motivation impulses we to assume risks because innovation is to displace previous assumptions put first under question.
Now, are there any corporations supporting human unity? Those are informing about human unity call because the alternative to war only needs to be published, thus, it will be accepted by all.
Indeed, only those corporations supporting human unity deserve our acknowledgment, appreciation, – payments, purchases, rewards- because they are ready to become human common property since human unity eliminates the armies (depriving cause) and it means the human community.
Armies are only because of each other, there is no other use for them.
So, those corporations’ services and products are not only valuable for being innovative -improve our potential- but also because they have the disposition to become universal -human property as much as they become transparent too (this is the only regulation, so are they responsible). Is not it a business? And, it is not a good one? Was not property what motivated -or rather worried- us all?
Corporations` human unity call is not only addressed to their outside, this is; to their clients, suppliers, shareholders, but also to their human resources (this is leadership about), so ending with the motivation secret and allowing them to work voluntarily –instead of being manipulated as tools.
Once this information on the human unity call is shared, human unity will be no longer depend mostly on some free time of a few people as it is now, but it will be our daily occupation and work, everybody´s task in their different activities and posts, as politicians, entrepreneurs, staff, civil servants….Indeed, everyone is invited -and needed.
The Intermediate is the Universal now
Confucius’ Analects exposes several times the Silver rule of Ethics based on equality: “do not do to others what you would not like for yourself” but that rule is contested by the so-called Rectification of the Names doctrine, where human relations are unequal as we can see, he says, in the clear cases of a father and a son, a husband and a wife, older and younger brother, a ruler and his subjects, etc., those corresponding to hierarchical systems, such as the state.
Mozi opposes Confucius’s ethical proposal because inequality or discrimination is the cause of chaos, calamity, violence, and war (Heaven has made the world this way -we are free, Mozi says) and he promotes instead the Universal Love policy which is the general application of the Golden Rule, “do unto others what you would like for yourself”. The problem with it is that it can only work if it is universally applied, something impossible in the past because the world and its inhabitants were unknown. But now we are all in contact and we shall make a deal.
No wonder, that since universality was not available, Confucianism also proposed the so-called The doctrine of the Mean or the Intermediate, and so did Aristotle too. Aristotle exposes the doctrine of the Mean in his book Nicomachean Ethics, both, Confucius and Aristotle say that Virtue is the Intermediate “The equal is an intermediate between excess and defect” and “this is what is prized and praised”. “Money, then, acting as a measure, makes goods commensurate and equates them”, Aristotle adds. And with globalization the world constitutes itself as a value-chain where the Mean -there where is the more added value or money- is the center of the world too (Zhongguo – China- means the central state).
And Aristotle, like Confucius, also distinguishes between two types of justice; the lawful and the fair. The first one corresponding with the hierarchical Rectification of the Names system by Confucius which in Aristotle has an economic application called ‘distributive justice’, this is; rewards are unequal -though proportional- according to ‘merits’ at state service, but, fairness, however, is equality and his economic application is called equity. Now, let´s better Aristotle tell us about equity:
“The equitable man; the man who chooses and does such acts, and is no stickler for his rights in a bad sense but tends to take less than his share though he has the law of his side, is equitable, and this state of character is equity, which is a sort of justice and not a different state of character.” Resulting quite similar to Confucius ‘benevolence’ as a way to alleviate rising inequality originated by law -and by its “oversimplicity” (Aristotle) unable to deal with the concrete, so that it is always in favor of the powerful.
But we are not talking about charity (Aristotle) or benevolence (Confucius), we are talking about the corporations becoming common property since by supporting human unity we pursue no violence or deprivation.
Matching our needs or desires and the money we have available, we find the Intermediate. Now, we are offering a new product or service and a new need or desire is to be suggested or woken up in our customers: human unity, which is nowadays attainable and we all have some money available to buy it since money commensurate all things.
Setting up human unity means a system of shared security, human cooperation, and joint, inclusive decision making, which implies no harming purposes but fairness and not discrimination. Such an institution cannot be financed from the states (unless by their ‘benevolence’, but surely other states will prefer all states to be quiet), but from the corporations, because they are transnational and can get their customers, stakeholders involved all along the value chain.
A corporation´s fund pays for a world open and transparent humanity meeting (Congress) where best world experts and most relevant companies design a common future. The result of Congress is binding for all humans
The biggest, most relevant corporations are the most interested in participating since they will design the future of their sectors (of course, at Humanity service) when at the same time receiving a huge investment previously meant for military development as a consequence of the current partial security system.
United, our need is not property, but disarmament.