The Corporate Human Responsibility, CHR, concept
- 12, June, 2019
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- 5:12 pm read
From HUM to the Companies
Admired and respected firms,
Hereby we would like to introduce you the Corporate Human Responsibility, CHR, concept we are promoting all over the World.
– Up to know, the Corporate Social Responsibility, RSC, is based on companies good (or bad) practices (as no polluting, their social contributions, their workers conditions, etc.) while RSC does not take into consideration ventures entrepreneurship aim. A company assuming CHR means that its first aim is serving Humanity.
Indeed, every company product or service (a cup, a TV, a car, a program, an app and so on) always aims at satisfying human needs or desires without discrimination and any product or service progress or development towards their aims is an advancement for the whole humanity no matter what individual or part achieves or promotes it. Human needs and desires are also equal, we all humans need to be feed, want to reach further, enjoy good health, to be happy…., we do not need to discuss or deal about our ends, we do not need politics, since we all know and we all agree about what we all want. Even more, humans are not only passive bodies whose needs (and desires) have to be covered by those products or services, also our relationship as humans results indiscriminate when we have a common cause, a common production, service aim…..because in this way we use rational objective criteria which equalize people and generates community, where property is irrelevant and privileges are detrimental.
– CHR, companies aiming at serving Humanity, also means companies supporting Human Unity, this is; common, inclusive decision taking, which prevents any destructive or harmful entrepreneurial aim. It is nonsense one harming oneself, which is our condition when we all unite.
CHR is not a company sacrifice for the sake of another, external good, on the contrary; it fits its logical aim of expanding its service without any restriction on the market, users or consumers. We can see, however, for instance, how American companies are prevented from selling to China, Iran or others and companies are basically prevented from helping other´s development, even if they are interested in mature markets, because currently any development implies along with it development of destruction power. This is our original problem and we can overcome it with Human Unity.
– CHR is not just of company’s interests, it is also humans, all people, consumer’s interests who, therefore, will support companies assuming CHR since they see them as the alternative to our historical and present destructive development and the Way to human peace and harmony.
HUM has already “tested the market” without any resources and has also demonstrated that the need and desire for Human Unity is there and our proposal for human unity make sense and receives basically unanimous and indiscriminate support, so, if we get support from companies resources our development will be very fast all over the World, therefore we have planned an open and transparent World Congress on Human Unity as soon as next year.
We are hereby kindly asking for your consideration to assuming CHR and joining the Movement to Human Unity by supporting HUM activities as the 2020 Human Unity World Congress along with a Human Universal Constitution you can see in our website.
And we stay personally at your disposal for clearing or detailing any point and looking forwards to your contact.
Manuel Herranz Martín
HUM – Human Unity Movement
C/ Puerto Serrano, 32 5ºA
28045 Madrid
Mobile: +34 656339490
Phone: +34 91 031 40 10