How to stop the war

Nowadays we have an alternative to war. Peace, cooperation, and concord are possible by stablishing human unity. War is the result of exclusive decision-making, something unavoidable in our past of mutual ignorance which has brought about our current division in states or armed units and almost mutual annihilation, but today we can overcome it and unite because we are basically all connected and the unity proposal and what it implies is easy to understand by everybody. Therefore, to achieve peace and concord, we just need to publish it -by sharing this message if you find it difficult to expose. Continue reading “How to stop the war”

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Letter to the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Antonio Guterres

Dear Secretary-General, Mr. Antonio Guterres,

My name is Manuel Herranz, I am the president of Human Unity Movement, HUM.

HUM first initiative has been to call for an open and transparent Congress of experts to deal with the establishment of human unity because, if we unite within an inclusive decision-making system, we will only pursue the common good and avoid, prevent and renounce mutual threats and harm. For me, disarmament (peace) and human unity are the same. Continue reading “Letter to the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Antonio Guterres”


Dear friend,

My name is Manuel Herranz, PhD. For a great part of my life, I have been working as an international and executive consultant and only since 2017 as a professor of Humanities and Philosophy.

Very impressed by the possible annihilation of Humanity during the Cold War when I was a philosophy student in the eighties, I have been researching as an autodidact the possibility of human peace and concord and even then I tried to organize a world peace and disarmament festival with all world universities.

I moved to Berlin in 1986 where Continue reading “AT YOUR SERVICE”

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Let’s not limit our expectations….


For the weapons, and with them all evil, will soon disappear because the lie backs off from the truth and the truth is recognized by all.

And the difficulty with the truth was not the lack of knowledge’s capacity but the concealment of the purpose of harm, the weapons.

Puerta del Sol, Madrid – Minute of Silence – Mute Scream – Madrid 12M – May 12, 2012 at 12 pm

(When the Human Unity Movement was still White Flag)

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