Doing evil, killing and destroying as Israel, Russia, Hamas, Ukraine and many others are doing, this is to say, harming others, does not come from our will, it is due to the existence of the arm in nature to which all humans had to adapt making it as lethal as possible and organizing in armed units. And the arm, the mean for committing homicide, is the cause of war, because the aim of any war is to disarm/destroy the enemy´s arm to put or keep him at our mercy instead of us being at his, which is the constant effect of the existence of the arm on us humans, as from it we virtually anticipate our death…

A clear proof that evil is unwanted is that mutual destruction is obviously the worst way to solve differences, but being it an option, it becomes the only one, and, in fact, the arm itself and its threat is the cause of human division and differences. And the ceasefire, despite how beneficial it is for both sides in contrast to mutual destruction, can only be a moment of rearmament, because another thing would be to offer the enemy what precisely he intends to achieve with the war, disarm the other.


But peace follows from our simple coexistence or human unity, from inclusive decision-making that, consequently, prevents and avoids the arm, or what is the same: it creates the common good, since the dividend of peace/ of disarmament is indivisible, just as one weapon results in all the possible weapons in the world. For example, the possible savings of the 2.5 trillion that are spent in a year now on weapons development are a common good, since they cannot be generated by one, nor by one part, or by the other, but by Humanity, and those 2.5 trillion are just a trifle in the total dividend of peace, which is the human community.


But, we must understand that, just as the condition of the common good is universality, this has not been possible until our time. And although discreet and wise people of the past have understood the common good or peace as inclusivity, humanity, or universality, since their proposal could not have universal scope, the publicity of their perception only weakened their own state, so this has not consented and has hidden or distorted this understanding and that is why we have no public news of peace and as soon as we have it we can put it into practice too.

Therefore, we call for a Congress of Unity or Humanity in 2025, preceded by a Humanity Festival in 2024, the deadline in which the armed forces of the world have ceased their activity and development, so that all people can participate in the open and transparent preparation and organization of the Congress, because if we remain at the service of the confrontation and opposite development of the arms, the Congress would be like the UN, a (hierarchical) representation of armed units, but not of Humanity.

The Congress will ensure that human decision-making is inclusive, which basically means it is public, even if most decisions are subsidiary, meaning made by those who are concerned. The Congress assumes responsibility for common human security and serves as the means in the process of disarmament or common good creation, ultimately the human community. It can also initially apply human justice, this is; to reward those who benefits others and Humanity, but, as human adapted to the weapon existence, in this new environment of unity, we will equally adapt to it and, due to mutual influence and our natural inclination to put ourselves in the other’s place, we will assume the interest of others and of Humanity as our own.


Peace comes because it puts us before a very easy choice; good or evil. It is enough to think, understand and share what peace is, understand that the consequence of a weapon is all possible weapons and that the weapon confronts us and makes all humans its slaves equally and that human unity or universal inclusiveness generates good. common, not through imposition, nor is it uniformity, it is the mutual and universal liberation from evil, from the arm.

Who can choose evil now when evil is equally for everyone and, therefore, also for oneself? Who will then make a weapon or who will allow someone else to make it or who will allow some to organize themselves into armed units?

And whoever understands peace, and that peace is possible now, won’t he teach it to others?



On parle du mal de la nature humaine, mais le mal est en réalité le travail, à proprement parler, l’esclavage, pour lequel on est payé, pour lequel on a le droit de manger, de vivre, de gagner un salaire à la fin du mois jusqu’au mois suivant.

Le but ultime du travail productif est en réalité d’accroître la privation d’autrui, de lui causer un besoin, si possible de monopoliser quelque chose et de le mettre à notre merci.

Même la promotion charitable d’une religion cherche ainsi à en évincer d’autres, ou avec la promotion des droits de l’homme et de la démocratie, la voie vers des « pays autoritaires » est fermée, etc.

Mais, par-dessus tout, le mal est un travail qui se manifeste dans la grande masse de gens qui se consacrent et s’exercent directement et expressément à tuer, ou d’autres qui conçoivent et produisent avec toutes ou les meilleures ressources disponibles des formes et des moyens pour tuer plus efficacement, ou qui travaillent sur l’étude des possibilités de causer le plus grand dommage possible à l’autre, à la menace duquel il est soumis.

Et, plus encore, une autre grande masse de personnes cache, déguise ce but et désoriente les gens, déformant à travers des représentations et des figurations la réalité des choses, des objets et des actions qui sont naturellement et clairement comprises par leur but ou leur objet.

Même le revers de la médaille est celui de ceux qui mènent des politiques opposées, par exemple en faveur du désarmement, des pacifistes, des anarchistes ou de ceux qui sont contre les armes nucléaires, dont les propositions d’actions unilatérales et folles ne sont qu’à leur propre détriment et objectif désavantage face à l’autre implacable, mais ceux-ci servent aussi à démontrer qu’il n’y a pas d’alternative et qu’ils peuvent donc aussi accéder à un paiement, bien que beaucoup plus limité, ou même les fonds disponibles pourraient avoir leur origine dans l’autre partie. …


Cependant, la vérité, qui est humaine, peut déjà être dite aujourd’hui, exposée comme suit: la présence d’un objet d’homicide, l’arme, fait que chacun a nécessairement besoin et veut le posséder et, en outre, le privatiser, et peut-être penser qu’il ne l’utilisera que si nécessaire ou lorsque cela est nécessaire, mais l’autre veut aussi cette option pour lui-même et obtiendra, s’il le peut, une arme plus puissante ou capable de faire plus de dégâts, et les deux groupes s’organisent en unités armées et nous essaierons de les consolider de manière plus grande, en cherchant à obtenir plus d’avantages et mettrons à leur disposition et à leur service autant de ressources humaines et matérielles que possible par une exploitation brutale, à tel point que, si l’on n’est pas en mesure de consolider un groupe suffisamment unité armée puissante, elle sera absorbée et/ou soumise par la première, et ainsi de suite jusqu’au monde dans lequel nous vivons, dans lequel nous travaillons tous pour le mal en cherchant à accroître cet avantage ou, pour ainsi dire, à nous défendre de celui du mal de l’autre.

Et nous devons nous rappeler, au cas où il y aurait le moindre doute, que l’arme n’est pas n’importe quoi, car, même si l’on peut tuer avec une chaise ou un couteau de cuisine, ceux-ci n’« alarment », ils ne nous obligent pas à réagir comme les armes dont ils disposent et qui manifestent explicitement dans leur forme, leur utilisation et leur signification leur objectif homicide, et l’arme n’est pas abstraite comme elle le paraît parfois ; Il a également besoin que l’ennemi spécifique se donne le maximum de sens, dans sa conception, son emplacement et dans tout le reste, comme guide pour cette recherche du maximum de dégâts concrets possibles.

Et la cause de la guerre, la destruction mutuelle, est le but ou la tentative pour que cette capacité de dommage se matérialise, et c’est ce que nous voyons avec l’attaque de la Russie contre l’Ukraine en vue de son intégration dans l’OTAN ou dans le cas de la Chine, qui n’a pas encore cela a causé un préjudice spécifique aux États-Unis, mais leur croissance économique, en particulier militaire, menace l’hégémonie américaine, et ainsi de suite.

Or, dans tout cela, y avait-il du mal humain ? Non, tout s’est passé et se passe de manière logique et rationnelle. Et telle est la réalité, peu importe combien chacun pense autrement, ou cache en public, justement derrière une vision et même un sentiment humain avec de bonnes paroles et de bons gestes, ce mal objectif et froid, qui s’impose inexorablement et tragiquement à tous nous également. Alors, une fois que nous avons vu et sous nos yeux la réalité authentique et la vérité, dont la manifestation est la condition de guerre dans laquelle nous vivons, comment est-elle résolue ?


La paix, comme l’ont clairement vu les sages du monde, est la coexistence, l’unité humaine, une prise de décision inclusive dont la conséquence est de prévenir et d’éviter la tromperie, le préjudice mutuel – la guerre – et le but du mal – l’arme, qui est la cause de la guerre, et nous motive et nous guide pour le bien commun.

Mais nous ne pouvons pas penser ou parler de l’inclusivité sans mettre d’abord le mal, l’arme, sous le contrôle humain, puisque la condition et la racine de l’exclusion sont l’arme, comme le prouve le fait que, tout comme l’inclusivité est une prise de décision ouverte, publique et transparente, l’intention de nuire ne peut être rendue publique et doit être cachée ou déguisée, ce qui entraîne la confusion du monde attaché à la guerre.

L’inclusivité, qui est nécessairement humaine universelle et c’est pourquoi elle était impossible dans le passé, s’obtient en mettant toutes les unités armées sous un même commandement, ce qui les rend immédiatement redondantes et stoppe leur développement qui est cause de guerre. C’est donc notre but et notre objectif le plus immédiat, puisque tout le reste en dépend, et pour cela il est nécessaire qu’une personne assume cette tâche, c’est pourquoi moi, Manuel Herranz Martin, président et promoteur de HUM, je me propose et je proposer volontaire et exiger que toutes les unités armées le reconnaissent à la condition de la reconnaissance de toutes les autres.

Un seul contrôle des armes ne fait rien : comment pourrait-il être imposé, forcé ou exercer une violence contre lui-même ? Les armes ne sont justifiées que les unes par les autres, le but de nuire n’est justifié et ne peut être justifié que par le but de nuire à autrui, de sorte que le service de l’arme devient inutile et ses ressources humaines et matérielles peuvent être consacrées au service humain et non à ses dégâts, pour que ce commandement ne s’exerce pas sur le peuple qui est alors libre et que cesse l’esclavage et la soumission hiérarchique à l’arme, et que le travail, les objets et les actions ne soient plus destinés à servir l’arme mais l’Humanité, alors, à l’exception de l’arme, tout doit nous servir et, par conséquent, l’activité humaine peut déjà se fonder sur la publicité, la transparence et la rationalité en tenant compte de la situation concrète car c’est déjà cette entreprise et c’est la preuve de son humanité ou de sa bonté.

Ma candidature et ma campagne commencent avec la publication de ce document et visent à obtenir une reconnaissance complète à l’automne 2024, au cours de laquelle nous proposons de célébrer la Journée de l’humanité, jour où le Congrès de l’humanité est universellement convoqué pendant un an plus tard, afin que durant cette année-là, chacun peut participer à son organisation et à sa préparation. La tâche du Congrès est de garantir que toutes les décisions humaines, bien que subsidiaires, soient inclusives et assumeront la responsabilité de la sécurité humaine commune, qui est avant tout le désarmement, ainsi que l’établissement conséquent de la communauté humaine.


Comme indiqué ci-dessus, avec l’unité humaine, notre travail et nos actions sont le résultat de la compréhension rationnelle, publique et transparente de notre situation et de notre considération et discussion ouverte à son sujet, de sorte que les droits et conditions actuels sont garantis par l’humanité qui assume la souveraineté et évite et empêche toutes les violences telles que le vol ou tout autre dommage, ainsi les États deviennent subordonnés à l’Humanité et la représentent, en gardant le contrôle de la police et de sa gestion interne tout en procédant à la pacification ou à l’unification puis au désarmement qui consolide l’unité humaine. Et, en attendant, et jusqu’à la direction du Congrès, en cas de conflit entre pays en dernier recours ou si les parties ne parviennent pas à un accord, Manuel Herranz Martin, assume la tâche de médiation et, si nécessaire, d’arbitrage comme moyen d’éviter la confrontation et le préjudice mutuel.

Le Mouvement de l’Unité Humaine a pour tâche de diffuser l’appel à la paix humaine, qui est l’unité, avant tout des unités armées et dans les processus de cessez-le-feu, qui est notre meilleur service à l’humanité, partout où ils nous permettent de leur parler. Depuis que nous avons démarré ce projet, une fois notre application @HumanUnity prête fin juin, nous avançons bien en Afrique, notamment en RD Congo avec des dizaines d’associations qui soutiennent formellement et légalement notre projet, et là-bas le 21 septembre et Le 5 octobre, nous avons participé aux deux premiers accords de cessez-le-feu avec deux groupes rebelles dans la région des Grands Lacs, avec la coopération également du PDDCRS, l’agence gouvernementale de désarmement avec laquelle nous coopérons et nous pensons que d’autres groupes rebelles en RDC sont disposés à le faire le cessez-le-feu en considération et en soutien à l’unité humaine, et nous l’attendons également des autres groupes armés dans d’autres pays d’Afrique centrale, d’où nous envisageons de l’étendre à toute l’Afrique et au monde entier. Bien sûr, nous voulons contribuer le plus rapidement possible à faciliter le cessez-le-feu partout où nous le pouvons immédiatement et nous voulons le faire au Moyen-Orient, en Ukraine ou partout où nous sommes requis ou acceptés.

Et pour décembre de cette année, nous préparons déjà à Goma et Bukavu, les deux grandes villes autour du lac Kivu, une Journée ou Fête de l’Humanité, qui sera un test et un modèle pour l’événement de septembre 2024.


Afin d’encourager la réalisation de notre objectif de paix et d’accepter les conditions ou règles du jeu actuelles, nous proposons ce qui suit: que les 2,5 milliards de dollars qui seraient dépensés en armes en un an soient utilisés pour récompenser ceux qui contribuent à réaliser la paix. paix, unité humaine.

Je vous invite et vous encourage à faire la paix et à vous inscrire et à faire un don maintenant et à attendre, à souhaiter avec impatience et à contribuer avec effort pour obtenir cette récompense, car avec cette disposition nous initions et manifestons la justice humaine, par laquelle celui qui profite à l’humanité sera récompensé et celui qui lui nuit, dissuade, et dont l’exécution sera une manifestation de la paix elle-même, donc l’humanité aura à la fois le pouvoir et les moyens de l’exécuter, puisque, tout en assumant la souveraineté, elle émet aussi les moyens de changement et de développement. Cependant, nous savons et espérons également qu’avec le temps et l’influence mutuelle, aucune incitation ne sera nécessaire, puisque notre tendance naturelle sera de traiter les autres comme nous voulons être traités et d’assumer le bien de l’humanité comme étant le nôtre.

De même, la validité de cette récompense découle de sa publicité et de sa transparence ouverte au jugement de tous, de même que toutes les décisions seront dans l’unité et la paix et non le produit d’une force quelconque, puisque la force ne s’oppose qu’à une autre force, et l’inclusivité elle est le contraire de la force, cette proposition ne peut donc être rejetée ou amendée qu’avec un meilleur argument.

L’inclusivité est désormais d’abord le opposite de la force, puis elle est le contraire de la force ; c’est le désarmement, c’est la communauté.





  • Evil is not voluntary
  • It is the service to the army working against other armies
  • But, if we put them all arms under the same command, they become redundant (and the command does nothing)
  • And our decision-making will be inclusive, transparent and only for the common good,






Donate at

Or send a bizum to: +34 656339490

KEEP THE RECEIPT OF YOUR TRANSFER TO GET A REWARD OF $500,000 MILLION TO BE DISTRIBUTED EQUALLY AMONG ALL THOSE WHO HAVE DONATED, THAT AMOUNT IS EXTRACTED FROM PART OF THE SAVINGS IN ARMS IN ONE YEAR OF 2.5 BILLION. We are including this reward arrangement in a Humanity Congress call and, when this Congress is celebrated since the Congress is the embodiment of human sovereignty and ultimate guarantor of public deals, as it is this one, and the issuer of the common human currency for exchange and development, it has the authority, capability, and the duty to execute the bounty.







People talk about the evil of human nature, but evil is really a job, properly speaking, slavery, for which we are paid, for which we are allowed to eat, live, earn a salary at the end of the month until the next month.

The goal of productive work is to increase the deprivation of others, to cause them need, if possible, to monopolize something and put them at our mercy.

Even the charitable promotion of one religion thus seeks to displace others, or with the promotion of human rights and democracy the path to “authoritarian countries” is closed, etc.

But, above all, that evil work is manifested in the great mass of people dedicated and exercising themselves directly and expressly to kill, or others to design and produce with all or the best available resources forms and ways to kill more effectively or working on the study of the possibilities of how to cause the greatest possible damage to the other, with whose threat he is subjected.

And, even more, another large mass of people hiding, disguising that purpose, and disorienting people, distorting through representations and figurations the reality of things, objects and actions that are naturally and clearly understood by their purpose or object.

The other side of the coin is that of those who pursue opposing policies, for example, in favor of disarmament, pacifists, anarchists, or those against nuclear weapons, whose proposals for unilateral action cannot but result in prejudice and at their own objective disadvantage in the face of the implacable other, but these also serve to demonstrate that there is no alternative and they can therefore also access some payment, although much more limited, or even originating from the other party…


However, the truth, which is human, can already be told today, exposed, as follows: the presence of an object for homicide, the weapon, makes anyone necessarily need and want to possess it and, furthermore, privatize it, and perhaps he thinks that he will use it only if necessary or when necessary, but the other also wants that option for himself and will, if he can, get a more powerful weapon or one that can do more damage, and both organize in groups as armed units and will try to consolidate them more large, seeking to gain more advantage and will put as many more resources, human and material as possible through harsh exploitation at their disposal and service, so much that, if one is not able to consolidate a sufficiently powerful armed unit it will be absorbed and/or subjugated by the first, and so on until the world in which we live in where we all work for evil seeking to increase that killing advantage or, call it well, defend ourselves from that of the other.

And we must remember, just in case there is any doubt, that the weapon is not just anything, because, although you can kill with a chair or a kitchen knife, these do not ‘alarm’, they do not force us to react like the weapons, which explicitly manifest in their form, use and meaning their homicidal purpose, and the weapon is not abstract as it sometimes appears; It needs the specific enemy as well, to give itself the maximum meaning, in its design, location, and in everything else as a guide for that search for the maximum possible concrete damage.

And the cause of war, mutual destruction, is the purpose or attempt to prevent that capacity for damage to materialize, and this is what we see with Russia’s attack on Ukraine in view of its integration into NATO or in the case of China, which has not done any specific harm to the US, but its economic growth, specifically military, threatens US hegemony, and so on.

Now, in all this, was there any human evil? No, everything happened and happens logically and rationally. And that is the reality, no matter how much each one thinks otherwise, or in public hides -precisely behind a vision and even a human feeling with good words and gestures- that objective, cold evil, which is imposed inexorably and tragically on all of us equally. So, once we have seen it and it is before our eyes the authentic reality and the truth, whose manifestation is the condition of war in which we live, how is it solved?


Peace, as has been clearly seen by the wise men of the world, it is coexistence, human unity, inclusive decision-making whose consequence is to prevent and avoid deception, mutual harm (war) and the purpose of harm (the weapon, which is the cause of war) and moves and motivates us for the common good.

But we cannot think or talk about inclusivity without putting the evil, the weapon, under human control first, since the condition and root of exclusion is the weapon, as proven by the fact that, just as inclusivity is decision-making open, public and transparent, the intention of harm cannot be made public and must be hidden or disguised, which results in the confusion of the world that is attached to war.

Inclusivity, which is necessarily universal and that is why it was impossible in the past, is achieved by putting all armed units under the same command, which immediately makes them redundant and stops their development which is the cause of war. Therefore, that is our most immediate purpose and objective, since everything else depends on it, and for this it is necessary that a person assume that task, which is why I, Manuel Herranz Martin, president, and promoter of HUM, offer myself as a volunteer for the post and require all armed units to recognize it with the condition of the recognition of all the others.

A single command over weapons does nothing. How could it impose, force, or exert violence against itself? Weapons are only justified by each other, the purpose of harm is only justified and can be justified by the purpose of harm of the other, so that the service to the weapon becomes unnecessary and its human and material resources can be dedicated to human service and not to its damage, so that this command is not over the people who are then free and the slavery and hierarchical submission to the weapon ends, and the work, the objects and the actions are no longer intended to serve the weapon but the Humanity, then, except for the weapon, all things are to serve us and, therefore, human activity can then already be based on publicity, transparency and rationality in consideration of the concrete situation.

My candidacy and campaign begins with the publication of this document and aims to achieve complete recognition in the fall of 2024 in which we propose to celebrate Humanity Day, a day on which the Congress of Humanity is universally convened for one year later, so that during that year each and every one can participate in its organization and preparation. The task of Congress is to ensure that all human decisions, although subsidiary, are inclusive and will take responsibility for common human security, which is primarily disarmament, as well as the consequent establishment of the human community.


As stated above, with human unity our work and actions are the result of the rational, public and transparent understanding of our situation and our consideration and open discussion of it, so the current rights and conditions are guaranteed by Humanity that assumes sovereignty and avoids and prevents all violence such as theft or any other damage, so the states become subordinate to Humanity and represent it, maintaining control of the police and its internal management while carrying out pacification or unification and then disarmament that consolidates human unity. And, in the meantime, and until the management of Congress, in the event of a conflict between countries as a last resort or if the parties do not reach an agreement, Manuel Herranz Martin, assumes the task of mediation and, if necessary, arbitration, as a means of avoid confrontation and mutual harm.

The Human Unity Movement has the task of spreading the call for human peace, which is unity, first and foremost of armed units, and in ceasefire processes, which is our best service to Humanity, wherever the fighting parties allow us to speak to them. Since we started this project, once our @HumanUnity app was ready at the end of June, we are making good progress in Africa, particularly in the DR Congo with dozens of associations that support our project formally and legally, and there on September 21 and on October 5, we participated in the first two ceasefire agreements with two rebel groups in the Great Lakes area, with the cooperation also of the PDDCRS, the government disarmament agency with which we cooperate and we believe that other groups Rebels in the DRC are willing to make the ceasefire in consideration and support for human unity, and we also expect this from other armed groups in other Central African countries, from where we plan to extend to all of Africa and the entire world. Of course, we want to help as soon as possible facilitate the ceasefire wherever we can, and so we want to do so in the Middle East, in Ukraine or wherever we are required or accepted.

And for December of this year we are already preparing in Goma and Bukavu, the two large cities around Lake Kivu, a Day or Festival of Humanity, which will be a test and model for the September 2024 event.


In order to encourage the achievement of our peace objective and accepting the current conditions or rules of the game, we propose that the 2.5 trillion dollars that are spent on weapons in a year be used to reward those who contribute to unity, to human peace.

I invite and encourage you to make peace and support HUM and donate now and spread, share and encourage others to do so with all your might, and therefore it is appropriate that you eagerly desire and long for the reward and encourage you to contribute with your effort to obtain that reward and to propose it to others, because with this disposition we initiate and manifest human justice, by which whoever benefits Humanity will be rewarded and whoever harms it, deterred, and whose execution will be a manifestation of peace itself, therefore Humanity will have both the power and the means to execute it, since, just as it assumes sovereignty, it also issues the means of change and development. Although, we also know and hope that with time and mutual influence no incentive will be necessary, since our natural tendency will be to treat others as we want to be treated and assume the good of Humanity as our own.

Likewise, the validity of this reward arises from its publicity and transparency open to the judgment of all, just as all decisions will be in unity and peace and not the product of any force, since force is only opposed to another force, and inclusiveness It is the opposite of force, so this proposal could only be rejected or amended with a better argument.

Inclusivity is now first the opposite of force, then it is the contrary of force; it is disarmament, it is the human community.


Perhaps some will refrain from reading this without knowing what indignity they would commit. First, because thanks to the white flag we are already achieving ceasefire in Africa and we will do it throughout the world and, second, because of what it shows at its back: what sense does a ceasefire call made under colored flags representing one or several armed units and its meaning: submission or death?

We rise the white flag in request for a ceasefire, calling for human unity, peace, to be implemented in a Congress of Humanity in 2025 that assumes responsibility for common human security and ensures that decisions are inclusive, this is to say; that their purpose is not harming, not at the arm service. That is why the white flag is the flag of peace, the flag of a united Humanity.

If in the past, the white flag was equivalent to surrender, how could it be like this today when people from different armed units and blocks wave it together?

It was considered the flag of surrender because, as Cervantes says, the Letters or what it is published (whether the figurations of the past or the current ones as well as the current media) are at the service of the arm, directly financed or censored by it, and the Letters most basic service is to hide the Arm, because the arm is the evil, its function is to search the maximum possible damage. Therefore, Letters cannot question the arm, on which they depend, and without questioning its existence, the only thing left to do is to submit or be subjected – depending on who has the biggest capability to destroy the others. Therefore, friend, the white flag is your flag and your hope.

And, therefore, while the Letters (the media) continue to do so any cessation of attacks is identified as surrender. And this is the case of how the NATO, once it has not succeeded in collapsing the Russian economy with economic sanctions, actually the only card that could have given it victory against the largest nuclear power, and once Ukraine is running out of men of age to go to the front after the (probable) failure of its counteroffensive, it seems that the war will now go on using longer-range missiles (entirely from Western supply) as a way to sustain war, attacks, which will be a further step in the escalation and possibly lead to a new ground offensive by Russia. Therefore, friend, the white flag is your flag and your hope.

What is called peace without getting rid of the arms and under their colored flags is only a ceasefire, because “weapons are the same as war”, as Cervantes puts it. But ceasefire is followed by the maximum effort to rearm, search for the maximum possible harm, and prevent the other from doing so, so that wars are generally preventive, they generally have the purpose of preventing the rearmament of the other from becoming too dangerous; that was the cause of the Peloponnesian War or the one that could come between the US and China, due to China’s economic growth. Therefore, friend, the white flag is your flag and your hope.

The work and supreme effort of the human being at all times and places is to serve and develop the weapons or arms, but the purpose of harm cannot be declared, made public and the Letters hide it from us; that is why we have first  to think by dusting off and putting our intelligence to use to understand that in the same way that today it seems to us that weapons are causally there when wars begin, today we know from the past that vehicles, ships, airplanes, the telephone, nuclear fission, the Internet and all the inventions that that might occur to you, all have always sought and had first a military purpose and use, which over time has passed into civil use, and that is what also happens now although they do not tell us about it and carefully hide it. We also see the layout of the cities, with the castle above and the shacks below, or the strategic sense of the routes and enclaves, although we do not perceive it superficially either, and, finally it is impossible for our eyes not to see that the armies are always the greatest arrangement and permanent massive concentration of human and material resources in a state of alert and training even without obvious expectation of confrontation on the horizon. That is why the white flag is your flag and your hope.

The white flag does not equal surrender. How could we propose human unity with it if we surrender, which is the same as losing the ability to propose? And in the same way, unilateral disarmament does not result in us ceasing to be slaves to the arm, but rather that slavery is then at the service of another arm. Disarmament can only be achieved if it is agreed, joint, universal and simultaneous, that is why it is possible today, and that is why we call for human unity, the Unity Congress through which we claim power for Humanity and to stop being slaves to the arm through disarmament. which is the liberation of all of us.

There is no problem between humans. Or does someone think that if we reset our relationship, there will be some person who may judge it acceptable to harm (or threaten to harm) another person, something that now inevitably leads us to self-destruction. Or do you think that violence, any violence can be considered by anyone legitime? Evil comes from our previous isolation, but, as the sharp Cervantes already saw, the white flag was always there telling us, advancing us peace, that is, a peace without arms.

(I invite the kind reader to search and understand the meaning of the white flag in the Quixote; in the first meeting between the two lovers, the Christian captive and the Moorish Zoraida, in the First Part and in the episode of the lions locked in the chariot of the flags of the Second)


(Cultured, erudite, and even intelligent people when they talk about arms or weapons, fall into a dark and unfathomable abyss that shows their confusion and even childishness, so I dedicate this post to them with affection)

We see continuous meetings of world leaders, the last being the G20. Now Biden continues the trip to Vietnam to seek alliance against China and Kim in Vladivostok. Let’s see; The purpose of the armed units’ leaders is to subdue others through their ability to destroy them, but they do not talk about it.

For armed units, peace is a ceasefire, a brief state in which the killing ceases and they set about rearming and preventing each other from rearming as much as they can – and war then is usually the prevention of that rearmament.

This state is called peace because it is incorporated together with the mastery of one of these arms, thus denying its threat and purpose of maximum possible damage to the other, which it conceals with verbiage. They talk about justice, human rights, climate change, development, etc. but they look for the greatest possible destruction capacity, which is what later dispenses justice, rights (human or otherwise), funds or financing (the printing of IOUs) for development and everything else, and thus the nuclear powers are officially recognized leaders of the world.

The security document produced by these 20 large arms refers to the fact that no one should invade other countries, however, they are the main producers of arms and since the small armed units are dependent on their production, talking about the independence of the small arms is nonsense, since they depend on the supply of large ones to exist and the usual thing is that rival powers supply weapons to the factions that serve their interests as is the case in Syria, Ukraine or in African countries. The 20 big ones do not need to invade anyone, small arms go to buy supplies from them becoming necessarily dependent. And if the big ones find interest in those territories, they can supply weapons to the rebel faction that best serves them or creates it spending very little, given the need of the people in those countries.

But if we look at the arm as humans without being at its service and abide by the stupidity, brutality and the absence of humanity that it imposes on us (necessary for the exercise of war as cannon fodder), we have full clarity and certainty that peace It is universal inclusivity, well, normal coexistence with others people, to whom we inform and share our purposes, etc. Obviously inclusive decision-making prevents and avoids the purpose of harming (arms, the evil) and only deals with the common good. That is why we convene a Congress of Human Unity that assumes responsibility for common human security, basically disarmament, and ensures that all decisions are inclusive.


Why is there war? All the people, both the leaders and the anonymous people regardless of our nationality, we understand each other as we see on the social networks as here in Linkedin, we can have a good time together with people of different nationalities and even discuss or argue, but we would hardly kill each other. However, war, genocide or indiscriminate killing of anonymous people is human history and so it goes on up to now.

The leaders, the rich people and everyone else, all think and say that we have rights and properties, which are necessary for us to live, but those properties are not really ours but of the state (or armed unit) to which we belong, because without their enforcement we could not deprive/dispossess others which is what private property means.

All things are there to serve us, to satisfy us or to increase our power and they can be shared, only the means of killing (or harming) need to be private and cannot be shared, since we only kill or harm others, but we do not want to kill or harm ourselves.

The weapon -which among humans is the armed unit, is the cause of everything else being private and just gives what it owns to us individuals in exchange for exclusive service to its inescapable and incessant development against the other armies. Only then does it let us live, because if we supported the enemy, our state would silence us, expropriate us, or kill us and, on the contrary, it gives us more means or rewards the more we contribute to defeating/destroying the enemy.

But today, what was impossible in the past is possible now because we can propose ourselves human unity, peace, through the social networks without depending on the state means, and we can declare ourselves humane without helping the enemy as it happened before, because our declaration today has a universal reach proposed through the worldwide web. And whoever supports human unity is thus part of all the parties and assumes responsibility and commitment against killing or harming others, and for this reason the parties in armed conflicts are required by us to cease fire so that they facilitate, with their action and with the publicity of it, that human unity or true peace be questioned and confirmed universally and then be carried out.

Therefore, we are calling for an open and transparent Human Unity Congress in 2025, which assumes responsibility for common human security, and through the universal publicity of its decision process and aims, it avoids the purpose of harming and deceiving, and leads us to cooperate for the common good only. And it also imparts justice by rewarding those of us who benefit Humanity with our contribution to unity, peace, as you can see here: (I support human unity) (I support the ceasefire)

PD. I want to offer you the proof of what you have just read. Let´s apply this to recent history.

First, without going to the cosmopolitan visions of the past which had to be hidden under figurations so that they could be always under the state control, after the Westphalian peace in Europe we got two main ideologies Liberalism and Communism.
When China became communist Russia was offering everything to China for its development, from every kind of technology to thousand of engineers, but Russia refused to share the atom bomb technology with Mao, so China changed sides and allied with the US.
Now, the liberal system assumes (state) power is there just to guarantee public deals and not being intrusive in people private dealings, but when the Chinese got too powerful the liberal leaders (USA and UK) become protectionist, renouncing to many public agreements they had signed before. They just take care of not sharing specific technology with the Chinese which obviously it will be use for the military. I can assure you that the Chinese understand this and they are willing to pay for that protection service accordingly and recognize this security service provided by US, so that its ‘authoritarian system’ is not to be spread outside China, while, it was not authoritarian before? Not enough, not interesting. Weapons/arms are what matters for everyone.
And quite similar is US behavior with Russia, under my shallow understanding. I think that Yeltsin and Gorbachov really wanted to join the liberal world, but they were refused for being too powerful in military and US only moved to weaken Russia as much as I could to ensure only worried about consolidating and increasing its supremacy. Jeffrey Sachs has exposed his direct experience on the matter. Now Russia has invaded Ukraine and this has actually happened because it has got power enough to do it, since it has got China (and India) as an alternative partner to the West. It is not that Russia was happy before and now is not, it is that it has not power enough to face the West, even if having military means had not chance to sustain a war, as it could have been the case of supporting Serbia against, for instance, the Belgrade long bombing. So, war is hazardous in its form, it developes and break up ocasionally, but it is actually always being waged, because, as Cervantes, puts it, “it is the same arms or war”.


Dear friend,

My name is Manuel Herranz, PhD. For a great part of my life, I have been working as an international and executive consultant and only since 2017 as a professor of Humanities and Philosophy.

Very impressed by the possible annihilation of Humanity during the Cold War when I was a philosophy student in the eighties, I have been researching as an autodidact the possibility of human peace and concord and even then I tried to organize a world peace and disarmament festival with all world universities.

I moved to Berlin in 1986 where Continue reading “AT YOUR SERVICE”

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